2024 Michigan RPAC Major Investors
Levels of Investment
NAR RPAC Hall of Fame
Year denotes entry into Hall of Fame with a lifetime investment total of at least $25,000.
Level II indicates a $50,000 minimum lifetime investment.
Level III indicates a $75,000 minimum lifetime Investment.
Platinum Diamond R
Corporate Investment of $25,000 or more in a calendar year.
Platinum R
Initial Investment of $10,000. Individual investors may sustain level in a consecutive year for $5,000.
Golden R
Initial Investment of $5,000. Individual investors may sustain level in a consecutive year for $2,000.
Crystal R
Initial Investment of $2,500. Individual investors may sustain level in a consecutive year for $1,500.
Sterling R
Investment of $1,000 in RPAC in a calendar year.