Vacation Rentals are Being Threatened in Michigan
The ability to rent residential property is fundamental to ownership. Communities across the state have long recognized short-term rental as an important tradition that provides a tremendously positive impact upon the local economy. This tradition promotes Michigan as a great destination.
The practice of vacation rental, often for a week interval, allows for the use of a property owner’s fully furnished residence in a vacation area or near an event destination. Dating back generations, short-term rental is favorable among tourists throughout Michigan. The practice helps Michigan property owners with the payment of property taxes and aids the upkeep of their property.
There is a growing trend in local government to enact zoning bans that preemptively tell property owners they are unable to rent. The rental of residential property is important to Michigan second home markets and in urban areas around event destinations. Banning the right to rent harms property owners and local businesses in many communities all over Michigan.
Michigan Realtors® supports defining the right to rent property on a short-term basis. Realtors® oppose zoning bans that preemptively tell property owners they are unable to rent their property on a short-term basis. Local governments possess tools in their nuisance ordinances and housing codes to protect public safety and address any discourteous behavior – whether from full-time occupants or short-term rental activity. Reasonable regulation of rental activity, outside of zoning, supports local government control. Reasonable regulation of rental activity, outside of zoning, protects the rights of all property owners.
Now is the time for the Michigan Legislature to preserve private property rights. Michigan needs to protect an owner’s right to rent.
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Michigan Realtors®
720 N. Washington Avenue
Lansing, MI 48906